H.E.ART Gallery

Mobile-first branding and style guide for a Bellevue Schools nonprofit


H.E.ART Gallery Bellevue, standing for High-Schoolers Expressing ART, was originally a 501(c)(3) nonprofit art gallery, started by four high school seniors: Bella Burckhardt, Victoria Helmer, Anjali Skilton, and Joey DaSilva. Their goal with this nonprofit was to raise money for art programs within the Bellevue School District by collecting art from high schoolers across the Bellevue School District, then selling them at pop-up art galleries. 

The founders, who had a successful first year, wanted to pass down this opportunity to underclassmen at our school and selected three sophomores they were familiar with: Kyla Kowalchuk, Jacob Coffler, and myself. After they had graduated, we were to take on the direction of their nonprofit in our junior year. 

Our project was to run a successful fundraiser over the course of one school year in the form of a pop-up art gallery in order to raise money for Bellevue schools. 

Lead Designer
Web design, branding, marketing, social media, posters 

Project Type

Oct 2018- May 2019


How can we successfully advertise and run a nonprofit fundraiser?


I was in charge of writing the fundraising request document and securing signatures from all necessary parties. I did research into the average prices for all materials we needed, and listed them in an itemized table for ease of view for the board of directors.

We managed to receive $250 in funding from Bellevue School Foundation, which was just enough to pay for 8 large plastic bins for each of the high schools as well as posters. I also wrote funding requests to our own high school Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to cover further funds relating to print and digital advertising and presence.


The H.E.ART team also wanted to update our website to be mobile-responsive and more modern in style, so I designed an updated style guide with a Sans Serif font as well as updated our business cards. This would be reflected in our website.

I also illustrated social media posts and created cards to fundraise extra money before the holidays. 


Following the holiday card sales, as our spring events dates approached quickly, I designed numerous posters to promote both art donations in high schools as well as gallery events at the Crossroads Mall. While some posters were entirely my own work, others featured artwork provided to us by the high school artists we were featuring.


Through the QR code on the final illustrated map, visitors are brought to a web app and have the option to leave notes or a story about a specific memory they have associated with the place for future visitors to read when they scan it. They can also use magnets to mark their favorite spot on the map.

The map can be a part of a possible future community or activities room aimed at children. 

Left: Kyla (left) and Jacob (right) at the Bellevue Schools Foundation’s Spring for Schools Luncheon. I’m behind the camera!
Right: H.E.ART Gallery Pop-up at Crossroads Mall in Bellevue

In total, we raised approximately $800 across three different methods, including holiday card sales, the pop up gallery at Crossroads, and the Bellevue Schools Foundation’s Spring for Schools Luncheon. 


Holiday card sales


Pop-up Gallery


BSF Luncheon

Next Steps

  • After we wrapped up the event, we passed on H.E.ART Gallery to a group of students the year below us and hope they will continue the structure set up by the original founders of the H.E.ART Gallery nonprofit.